Home Cow Milk Price in Delhi

Cow Milk Price in Delhi

Cow Milk Price in Delhi

Reasons behind growing cow milk price in Delhi

Cow milk price in Delhi has been increasing day by day because of the growing demand of milk. With cow milk, one can make a lot of tasty recipes. Be it sweet drinks, or to be added in gravy, cow milk can be added as an ingredient in most of the recipes. It must always be difficult for you to get a glass of milk to your kid. It is always difficult to get your kid to drink that glass of milk. With some recipes full on with milk can make your kids have milk even if indirectly. Try some of the different dishes as given below:


1. Flavored Milk:

You can add different flavors to the milk to make it tastier. Try adding new flavors like - berries, vanilla, banana & more. You can also add spices like - cinnamon, ginger or cardamom to make your flavored milk dish healthier. With growing use of cow milk in various dishes, cow milk prices in Delhi have been increasing day by day.

Cow Ghee Benefits  

2. Try Making Smoothies:

Your kid might have a great taste for yogurt smoothies but try it out with milk too. You can whip up a delicious smoothie with fruits that your kid may not like otherwise. You can also add a drop of honey to give your milk recipe a burst of taste & health. Smoothies are gaining huge popularity these days which have led to growing cow milk price in Delhi.

3. Cereals & oats:

You can add either hot or cold milk to the cereal which you want your kid to have. Add enough milk, so that the oats or cereal submerges completely. But make sure that you will make your kid eat this mixture quickly, otherwise the cereal may turn soggy, & your kid might not want it to eat anymore.

3. Add it in the pasta: :

Make delicious pasta by adding milk into it. You can use milk as the main base & add whatever other ingredients you would wish to like. Instead of using cream or cheese, try to make the pasta more interesting by adding milk. You can give the toppings of cheese and can also add a handful of vegetables. We bet this pasta will definitely be loved by your kids. More & more use of milk in day to day recipes has led to growing

3. Cereals & oats:

You can add either hot or cold milk to the cereal which you want your kid to have. Add enough milk, so that the oats or cereal submerges completely. But make sure that you will make your kid eat this mixture quickly, otherwise the cereal may turn soggy, & your kid might not want it to eat anymore.

3. Iced Milk:

You can prepare delicious & healthy iced milk at home. All you need is that just whip it well to make it creamy & even frothy. Once done, refrigerate it & let it chill. While serving, add some chopped fruits for better taste and health. Iced milk is also good Getting your kid to finish his glass of milk can be a struggle, so try these simple tricks. Milk is one of the healthiest drinks your kid can have, so make sure that you include some milk for kids daily diet. Tell us about how you include milk in your little angel’s diet. Leave a comment below.